News and Upcoming Events
Creating the Mood
Here’s an insider’s glimpse of the Moodboard for my latest novel project. Music, magic, and romance abound!

Moving On Up in the Rankings!
TMy high school diaries provide juicy material for memoir stories. The first prize will be announced at the end of October 2024, but all the short-listed stories are available now.
My story earned an Honorable Mention in Women on Writing’s Fall 2024 nonfiction essay contest.
I’ve been long-listed in three 2024 contests (so far)!

My co-host Cat Skinner, and I enjoyed introducing our guests to Fountain of Evil and Apprentices in Magic at The Gate House in Niagara-on-the-Lake, on November 5, 2023
Such a fun launch for my two new novels!
A lovely Kirkus Review
“. . . the book winningly honors ‘strong female friends,’ offering an apt depiction of concerns universally felt across girlhood.”
“Young apprentices figure into a kingdom’s fate in this female friendship-forward fantasy.”

October 2023: A fun interview with
Tyler Wittkofsky!
A September 2023 Interview
When I was starting out, Screamin Mamas gave me a prize for one of my first memoir pieces. It was the encouragement I needed to keep writing. Thanks, Screamin Mamas!
Sept 12, 2023: Blurb Reveal Day!
For BFFs everywhere, aged 9 and older, get ready for adventure! Apprentices in Magic launches September 26, 2023.
Launching soon:
a chilling domestic thriller!
Readers’ Favorite
loves So Hard to Do!
In August 2023, I received the good news that Readers’ Favorite has awarded So Hard to Do its top 5-star rating status. Some of the highlights from their reviews:
“The story's pace was perfect, and I adored how everyone grew throughout the tale, especially Jannie.”
“The characters were brilliant and authentic . . . The story was excellently written and funny.”
Sci-Fi Lampoon Magazine Summer 2023
Sometimes it’s fun to veer into a genre I don’t usually explore. No one was more amazed or pleased than I that my comedic fantasy short, “Repent,” was selected for the current issue of Sci-Fi Lampoon Magazine.
This article on Sally B. appeared in
The Authors Porch Magazine,
July 2023
This lovely profile appeared in The Authors Porch today. I appreciate the coverage!
Nothing can be sweeter than strawberries and novels!
People came and chatted with us. Some even bought our books. It was a great day! Thanks to everyone who participated in this fun event.
I partnered with other writers to bring readers some fab, fun, and (occasionally) steamy romance this June!
Live Launch
Oh, my goodness—our live launch party for So Hard to Do was SO much fun!
The party took place on February 5, 2023 at Q Lounge in Niagara-on-the-Lake. We welcomed such a great, high-spirited crowd. I’m very grateful to everyone who came out to celebrate with me.
Online Launch
Celebrate with me!
This Facebook event took place on January 21, 2023. If you were there, bless your heart! I hope you enjoyed yourself thoroughly. If you weren’t, please enjoy this video.
A Recent Interview
This interview appeared just before Christmas, on the Night Beats website. I hope you find it interesting!
So Hard to Do:
Sally’s Brand New Playlist
Music can be such a fun part of the experience. Follow the plot of the novel in tunes I’ve selected, matching the characters and the action.
My Cover Artwork has been released!
It’s such a thrill to see my book coming to life. Romance reigns, as my three main characters perch precariously on the novel’s title, trying to sort out their differences and find their happily-ever-after endings.
Precious Memories
Antithesis is Australia’s journal of contemporary theory, criticism and culture. It is highly selective (only 2.17% of submissions being accepted) and is published annually in association with the School of Culture and Communication at The University of Melbourne. Each year the print edition showcases a mixture of literary works focused around a central theme. This year, the theme is loss. My poem is all about my mom, and how a small piece of glass evokes so many memories. It appears in Volume 32.
Prize-winning memoir!
I recently won third prize in the Northwestern Ontario Writers Workshop’s 2022 Writing Contest. The judge commented, “This playful memoir is a sweet and endearing love letter to the one who got away.” But, mostly — it’s a love letter from me to my 17-year-old self.
It will be published next year, but the contest organizers have given me permission to post it on my website. Thanks, NOWW!
April 2022: Prize Winner
Who knew that a story about growing up in Kingston, Ontario would win a Florida-based writing prize?
2022 kicks off with whimsy
Last spring, a bird flew down our chimney, creating havoc in our home. I wrote a short essay about the experience, and it was published in The Globe and Mail on January 21, 2022. Read all about it, and enjoy!
Guard your heart!
Losing in love stinks, but what’s not to adore about an anthology of tales about break-ups and broken promises? Launching at the end of January 2022, this book features one of my short stories that has a touch of fantasy and a whole lot of heart.
Sally in the Media
Interviews and media coverage of Sally’s books, stories, and writing events.
Rabbit Hole 5 2022
A bit from Sally about her new story, “Sabre Dance”
WOW Women on Writing 2021
Sally talks about her flash fiction piece ‘Be Not Angry’.
WOW Women on Writing 2020
An interview about Sally’s flash fiction prize-winning story ‘War Baby’.

“This was their moment. It might be in a tiny studio apartment and they might eventually have to take care of ungainly details such as removing clothing and unfolding the sofa bed. But passion was in the air. Romance would trump any mundane logistics they’d have to face.”
from my upcoming novel, So Hard to Do, coming in January 2023